Look book credits:
Photography: Allysandra Cervantes www.allysandracervantes.com
Art Director: Stephen Severn www.stephernsevern.com
Models: Nathalie Beaulieu, Monty, Next Canada, www.nextmodels.ca
Hair and makeup: Geneva Fong, www.genevafong.com, Maggie Ng, www.maggieng.com
Designer statement:
The Leighton collection was conceived in 2012; while living in London, England, my favorite pass-time was visiting Leighton House Museum in Holland Park. The Kensington house, once a home and atelier of the painter Lord Frederick Leighton, in the springtime still has an air of the British Aestheticism and of pre Raphaelite paintings. Quiet and peaceful, the intimacy of the painter's studio and the Arab and Narcissus halls awaken the spirit of Victorian Britain and my southern roots, merging in an exquisite and exotic tableau.
I developed the collages and paintings used for my textiles while living in London. The Leighton setting seemed to perfectly compliment the “Ceremonials” album by Florence and the Machine, which came out around this time and often served as a soundtrack to my design process. It’s about that feeling that only poetry could express…or a breezy summer crepe dress. After the distances of space and time, the resulting collection speaks of the feelings to remember, an encounter: Leighton and I.